🎨 I crafted this abstract painting with no roadmap—just intuition. Team leaders: this relates to you!

My creative process went like this:

- Randomly paint marks

- Step back

- Discover a shape (Looks like a tree!🌳)

- Repeat

You know, like hunting animals in the clouds. ☁

Better yet, this spontaneous approach wasn't just fun—it was a brain workout.

Neuroscience reveals that such an open-minded state sparks diverse ideas and more accurate solutions. While analytical methods are precise, they're more prone to more errors and can limit creativity. Essentially, my painting session was a brainpower session.

💥 Now, what's this got to do with you and your team? If you're aiming for innovation, make space in your culture for an aimless, explorative mindset. While it seems counter to productivity, this 'letting go' is vital for creativity.

❗️Practically, it means not cramming every moment! (Wait, whuuuuut?!).

Instead, do something radical in our productivity-obsessed culture: Allow periods for daydreaming, puzzles, or short strolls🚶. Champion this with your team. Make it known—it's okay to pause! Every second does not have to be traditionally “productive”!

A busy mind can stifle creativity, but a wandering one? That's where the magic of innovation happens✨.

If you have rituals on your team that cultivate an open, wandering mind, I'd love to hear them in the comments.


PS—If you want to cultivate clear leadership vision and harness the creativity of your team, let's chat 📞. Set up a consultation with me to explore team coaching services (Find a link to my calendar in my Featured section).