Thought Leadership

What's your biggest challenge with investing in yourself?

“I don’t have time” or “I can’t afford that” are less common thoughts for me now—not just because I’m in a more successful place in my life, but because I’ve changed how I look at development opportunities. Instead, I sidestep the habit of fixating on upfront cost and time, and instead ask myself this question: “What is the likely return on this investment?” I start from the end result.

Change: Your mindset matters

Explore a mindset shift in navigating career changes—from seeing change as happening "to" us to "for" us. Thrive by embracing challenges, strengthening resolve, and building resilience. Learn to view change as a catalyst for growth and transform challenges into powerful opportunities. Consider coaching for navigating change.


How do you feel about accountability?

Challenged, empowered, brave?

Intimidated, scared, pressured?

It’s no wonder we have a mix of emotions, given the range of ways accountability is approached. In some contexts, accountability feels like finger-pointing. In others, it feels like a team sport. Effective accountability relationships focus on mutual respect, holding one another as capable, and a commitment to mutual growth. The result is more trust, connection, learning, progress, and greatly expanded potential.