How do you feel about accountability?

Challenged, empowered, brave?

Intimidated, scared, pressured?

It’s no wonder we have a mix of emotions, given the range of ways accountability is approached. In some contexts, accountability feels like finger-pointing. In others, it feels like a team sport. Effective accountability relationships focus on mutual respect, holding one another as capable, and a commitment to mutual growth. The result is more trust, connection, learning, progress, and greatly expanded potential.

So, how can you cultivate a healthy approach to accountability in your team? A few ideas:

- Focus on creating psychological safety. Reward openness and transparency. When people fail, focus the conversation on what was learned and what will be done with the learning.

- Model accountability. Be vulnerable and courageous: own your own mistakes. Share examples of how you’ve learned through failure. Acknowledge when you don’t follow through, and what you’ll do about it.

- Create reflection rituals. End meetings with a reflection question like, “What mattered most from this conversation?“. Stick to project retrospectives, rather than skipping them and jumping to the next project. Invest in annual team retreats to look at the bigger picture.

And, if you need accountability and support to boldly grow, reach out for a free, no-obligation coaching consultation. Whether you are an individual who wants to evolve your leadership, drive better business outcomes, or advance/transition your career—or on a team that needs help to become a more powerful, united front—I can help.