One of the biggest mistakes people make when creating a learning plan is exclusively focusing on professional growth areas

One of the biggest mistakes people make when creating a learning plan is exclusively focusing on professional growth areas, company goals, or the needs of their team. Now, don't get me wrong—these are crucial aspects to consider, especially if you want to move up that corporate ladder or nail that next project. But let's dig a bit deeper. What really gets your motor running? What's going to make you actually want to buckle down and do the hard work of learning?

A truly effective learning plan should be a reflection of not just your professional objectives but also your personal values and purposes. I'm talking about a plan that energizes you to the core, one that you're so passionate about, that you'd happily dive into even after a long, grueling day at work. This is where the magic happens—where learning feels less like a 'have-to' and more like a 'get-to.'

So, how do you go about crafting this powerhouse of a learning plan? Simple—just dig into your own values and align them with your goals. When your learning agenda resonates with what fundamentally drives you as a human being, you'll find yourself not just ticking off boxes but truly savoring the journey.

Let's say one of your core values is authenticity. You could set a learning goal that's geared towards enhancing your ability to communicate more transparently at work, such as taking a course in assertive communication or diving into books that teach you how to be more emotionally intelligent. This isn't just a random learning goal; it's a targeted move that hits you where you live. Every step you take towards this objective brings you closer to being a more authentic version of yourself. How’s that for motivating?

Another advantage? Resilience. We all know learning is a long-haul game. You'll encounter setbacks, life will get in the way, or some concepts will feel like they're written in another language. When your learning plan is synced up with your personal values and purpose, you'll find the strength to push through these challenges. You'll think, "This is hard, but it's important to me," and that's an incredibly potent motivator.

So, don't just make your learning plan another to-do list that leaves you feeling drained at the end of the day. Make it a thrilling roadmap that's sprinkled with milestones that genuinely matter to you. That way, the act of learning stops being another task on your checklist and becomes a fulfilling journey that enriches both your professional life and your soul.

If you're not quite sure where to start, take a step back, and reflect on your values. Use them to brainstorm learning goals and activities. And if you manage others, learn about their personal values before co-creating a learning plan. You'll not only create a plan that sparks excitement to grow but also one that makes the journey as rewarding as the destination.