Lead with Impact: How to inspire collective responsibility

Leadership Coaching with Teresa Brazen

Leaders, ever notice team members hesitating to hold each other accountable? What stops them from voicing concerns when accountability slips?

Avoiding confrontation is common, but it's crucial to remember that not communicating can negatively impact the whole team. It can lead to missed deadlines, poor work quality, uninformed decision-making, slowed momentum, and more.

As a leader, it's vital to foster a culture where direct, candid communication is safe—even with you. Here are some things you can do to shift the dynamic:

  • Encourage seeing the team as a collective accountability body. 

  • Make it clear that avoidance harms everyone, including the work itself. 

  • Position candor as respect, showing belief in each other's capabilities.

  • Ensure clarity in goals, deadlines, and expectations. 

  • Celebrate shared accountability in action. 

  • Lead by example. Own your missteps, seek feedback, and be direct yet caring in your feedback to others.

Remember, people often don't realize their behavior's impact. A little awareness can go a long way.

Looking to enhance shared accountability within your leadership team? Reach out to explore The Inspirational Team Program. I’m here to guide your team towards greater unity, purpose-driven action, and impactful results.

What might you do next to cultivate more shared accountability in your team?