Be proud of your fear

Courage is choosing to do something even though you are uncomfortable and afraid. Particularly in a work environment, where there are so many forces that can trigger the GREAT FEAR of losing our financial security (and thus our homes, retirement, college funds, etc), it's a big deal to step into the unknown. Even seemingly small actions like speaking up for yourself in a meeting can bring up this beast.

I notice in coaching that people often don't give themselves enough credit for their courage. Instead, they feel shame about their fear, as if a better person, somehow, would not have that feeling. But that feeling is shared by anyone who does something they have not done before. And, it's really good information—a signal that you are growing. It's a feeling to be PROUD OF.

So, 🙌🏽 to those of you are actively choosing, nervously, to step forward despite your fears today—in big and small ways.

And, if you or your team need support in taking a brave me. It's amazing what we can do, as individuals and teams, when we celebrate fear.